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Syntelligent Analytic Solutions, LLC Demonstrates Commitment to Millennial Analytic Training at IAEC

May 24, 2017

image of Margaret Marangione

Charles Town, WV – May 24, 2017 – Syntelligent Analytic Solutions, LLC (Syntelligent), Senior Researcher, Margaret Marangione, recently participated in the 13th annual International Association for Intelligence Education Conference at the American Military University in Charles Town, West Virginia. During the three-day event, attendees from nine nations heard key-note addresses and presentations by spy catchers, spy trackers, intelligence analysts, law enforcement officials and instructors of intelligence education – a key area of research at Syntelligent. Syntelligent's thrust is to address training and certifying staff augmentation specialists from the Millennial cohort to meet the needs of a multi-generational government workforce.

The overriding theme of the conference was a call for more courses and programs in intelligence and law enforcement education to ensure that contract personnel are ready to meet the challenges of cybercrime, terrorism financing and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Syntelligent has devoted extensive resources to address the changing means by which the generation born in the late 1990s learn and share information, which is dramatically different than the cognition process of the Baby Boom generation (now passing out of the workforce) and that of GenX, which forms a bridge between old and new generations who have grown up not with computers, but smart devices.

Marangione made a high-impact presentation, describing her innovative training program that combines distance learning, seminars and direct subject training associated with contract award to provide the Government confidence that in the current fiercely competitive environment the Government has confidence that it will get the skills it needs to meet complex challenges to national security.

Among other issues addressed beyond terrorism were tax evasion, money laundering, the spread of ransomware and the critical understanding of accounting principles to detect financial crimes. Open-source research in the Deep Web and the Cloud were both stressed as the ways ahead for modern analytic techniques.

Syntelligent is proud to have had Margaret showcase our commitment to innovation to the intelligence community, law enforcement and the military departments. Papers documenting her research in effectively training the Millennial Generation have been submitted to the Harvard Security Review, the Journal of Counterintelligence and the American Intelligence Journal to continue to advance the cause of quality analysis for a new generation.

About Syntelligent Analytic Solutions, LLC

Founded in 2010, Syntelligent, a SDVOSB and Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Small Business Concern, provides highly-qualified professionals who work in partnership with its Government and private sector customers to provide unique, creative and innovative professional, management and technical services and solutions in the areas of: Program Management & Support, Analytic & Intelligence Operations, Information Technology, Security Operations and Business Consulting. For more information on Syntelligent Analytic Solutions, LLC’s services and offerings please visit the company’s website,

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